
M.S. Mathematics, Portland State University, Portland OR, 1987

Specialties: Combinatorial Topology and Multi-Dimensional Geometries
Thesis: “Meanderings on the Jordan Curve: A Combinatorial Analysis”
Advisor: Dr. Gavin Bjork, Emeritus Faculty, Mathematical Sciences Dept, PSU

B.S. Mathematics, Portland State University, Portland OR, 1985

Undergraduate concentrations in computer programming, computer science, systems analysis, mechanical engineering, developmental psychology, and secondary teaching.

Academic Employment

Calculus Subject Matter Expert 2022, SME for Calculus I course

STEM Curriculum Specialitst and Mathematics Subject Matter Expert 2021-2022, SME for Pre-Nursing Algebra & Trigonometry course covering arithmetic through vectors

Associate Faculty Member and Geometry Subject Matter Expert 2002-2022
University of Phoenix Online, College of Natural Sciences (126 classes over 20 years)

Tenured Professor of Mathematics 1996-present
Clark College, Vancouver, Washington

Mathematics Educator inc. Tenured Professor 1981-1996
Held faculty positions at Portland State University in Portland OR (Graduate Teaching Fellow, Mathematics Lecturer), Mt. Hood CC in Gresham OR (Math Lab Tutor, Adjunct Faculty), Green River CC in Auburn WA (Full-time Faculty), and Pierce College in Puyallup WA (Tenured Faculty).

Certificates and Awards

Watershed Academy Certification, U.S. EPA Watershed Academy, 2021

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Certification, Clark College, Vancouver WA, 2020

Exceptional Faculty "Phoenix500" Award, University of Phoenix, Phoenix AZ, 2020

Certified eLearning Professional, Clark College, Vancouver WA, 2019

Certified Peer Reviewer and Publisher Reviewer, Quality Matters, Annapolis MD, 2012

Internationally Certified Online Educator (C.O.E.), Open Learning Agency, BC Canada, 2001

Certified Internet Leader, Communications Technology Center, 1996
Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), Bellevue WA

Post-Graduate Coursework (past decade only)

Principles of Ambient Air Monitoring, AirKnowledge, U.S. EPA, 2024 [info]

Global Warming II: Create Your Own Models in Python, Univ. of Chicago, 2024 [info]

Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change, Univ. of Chicago, 2024 [info]

Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023 [info]

Introduction to American Law, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2023 [info]

Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python, Data Science Division at Pierian Training, 2023 [info]

Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP28, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023 [info]

Learning for a Sustainable Future, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023 [info]

Accessibility Training Course Univ. of Washington, 2022 [info | course]

Indigenous Canada, Univ. of Alberta, Canada, 2022 [info]

SnagIt Certification, TechSmith, Okemos MI, 2021 [info]

Web Accessibility MOOC for Online Educators, Portland Community College, Portland OR, 2015

Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2014

Technical Skills

Coding & Programming Languages:
Proficient in AsciiMath, CSS, HTML (expert), LaTeX, MathJax, MathML
Experience with Assembler Lang., Basic, C/C++, Cobol, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, PHP, Python

Communication, Team-Building, & Team Editing Apps:
Asana, BugHerd, Discord, Google Docs, Google Meet, MS Teams, Slack, Zoom

Course Management Systems (CMS/LMS) & Digital Learning Platforms:
ALEKS (certified), BlackBoard Ultra (certified), Canvas (certified), Collaborate, Knewton Alta, Lynda, MoodleRooms Joule, MyMathLab (expert), OpenMath, WAMAP (expert), WebAssign

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software:
Nation Builder, SalsaLabs (beginner)

Graphic Design Tools:
Acorn, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoShop (beginner), Canva, Pixelmator, SnagIt (certified)

Mathematics Software:
Desmos, GeoGebra, Maple, MathCad, Mathematica, MathType, R-Studio (beginner), Wiris

Office Suites:
Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, WordPerfect

Screencasting & Video Tools:
Camtasia (certified), Explain Everything, Jing, ScreenPal (certified), Visualizer, YouTube

Social Media Apps:
BlueSky, Instagram, Linked-In, Mastodon, Post, Reddit, Substack, Twitter

Website Design Software:
Adobe DreamWeaver (expert), MS FrontPage, MS SharePoint Designer, WordPress (beginner)

Professional Affiliations

AMATYC American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, member since 1986
              Delegate representing the northwest region 1997-2001.
CIDER Canadian Initiative for Distance Education Research, member 2011-2020
MAA Mathematical Association of America, member since 1985
MAA-PNW Pacific Northwest Section of MAA, member since 1985
NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, member 1984-2018
NEA National Education Association, union member since 1984
ORMATYC Oregon Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, member since inception 1986
QM Quality Matters, institutional member since 2008
OLC Online Learning Consortium, institutional member since 2006
WAMATYC Washington Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, member since 1987
                 Officer of the Executive Board 1997-2003 and 2010-2018.